Wednesday, May 12, 2010

God is amazing!

Just thinking on the greatness of God right now! He is bigger than all my troubles and fears . . . surrounds me with his grace and love . . . is my protector and provider . . . etc!!! Scott and I live 3 1/2 hours away from our parents and siblings and it has been difficult. For 6 years now we have lived in the mountains and it is a dream come true. Driving to work everyday is a time to praise God and His creation! From the fallen snow to beautiful fall colored trees it is gorgeous here!
Our family has loved joining us in this journey of becoming pregnant. . . they are praying right along with us for God's timing. Some people blog about loosing weight, raising children, planning a wedding, the adoption process, but I wanted to share this time with my family and friends. It would be difficult to keep my excitement in, because having children is the biggest dream I have ever had! Like I told my mom, "I can't contain how excited I am about this process!" I am thankful for all the prayers and support shown! Thank you! Nothing on here is ever meant to be crude or distasteful, but real and honest! God has opened the door for other "future moms to be" to open up and discuss their aggravation, heartache, etc. when trying to conceive. Hopefully, I am helping or encouraging someone! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your blog Kristie! It has been an encouragement to me. :-)
