Saturday, August 21, 2010


Having my body back on track is wonderful. . . BUT I wanted to be pregnant! I just told Scott that we can get a home pregnancy test this week, but not now! Well, we saved some money . . .lol! Oh, well! God has a plan!
Sometimes I feel like a child stomping my feet, with a red face, mumbling nonsense! "I want a baby! Everyone else is pregnant! How come! blah, blah, blah".
I have wanted to be a mommy for a long time, but knew it wasn't "time" yet, but now I know that I REALLY want to raise a child with my amazing husband. I do have a super, amazing hubby! He is such a big help when I am crazy busy this time of the year. I couldn't do it without him!
So, as this week passes I am already planning for trying in September. Almost 6 months of trying, but the first 3 months- birth control getting out of system, summer- body messed up, so lost a few months.
Back to the drawing board!
This month using ovulation sticks, working out, taking prenatal vitamins, taking a pilates class (the controlled breathing helps), and looking into acupuncture. The acupuncture is mainly for my shoulder pain, but is also helpful when trying to conceive.
Here we go again!

Monday, August 9, 2010

blood work . . .

Don't you just love getting your blood taken! Ummmm, NO! I have small, rolly veins and it has taken up to 6 sticks before being sent to the hospital to get my blood taken. SO, I am not a big fan and I am a big baby when it comes to needles, but I get it honest . . . thanks MOM! :-) What is funny, is that when my dad "retired" last summer he went to school to become a phlebotomist. The medical field has always been interesting to him, so he went to school and learned how to take blood. He is now working at Christ Medical Center in Augusta, GA where he has his own lab and well it is pretty cool! I am so very proud of him! While visiting the fam in June, my dad showed us the Medical Center and I decided that I wanted to give my dad the difficult task of taking my blood! He is great at everything he does, and he is my daddy so I trust him completely! :) By the way NO one else in my family has let dad take there blood...oops almost forgot, besides my hubby! I sat down and he got my blood on the first stick. . . he is good, I didn't feel it! I was very impressed! My mom on the other hand couldn't even watch . . . she can help people who pass out or have heart attacks, but someone getting their blood taken and she freaks. All that said . . .
I had a blood test done last week. . . fasting blood glucose and insulin ratio, I know a mouth full! It is a blood test my doctor suggested I have . . . having abnormal levels can mess up ovulation. So, this could be a sign of ovulation issues and that worried me. I didn't really think about it this weekend, but decided to call first thing Monday morning and come to find out my insulin levels are a-okay! I don't know about the other, but my hopes are up, because they play hand in hand.