Monday, December 6, 2010


God has really been working on my heart and my relationship with Him has been changing so much lately. Scott and I have been going to a phenomenal church in Asheville, this has been the first time that we have picked a church and not been picked for a church! God knows where we are and what we need and leading us in this directions has been such a blessing. We have been serving and leading, but I feel like my relationship with Christ has not flourished the way it should. When God led Scott away from being a pastor, many people probably thought . . .what has happened, they are sinning, etc. No, well we are sinners, but God wants something else from us and following Him is our only concern. There are people out there who stay stagnant in one spot because the judgement of others, but listening to God is more important than what others think! That took a while to sink in, but realizing how amazing God is and seeing where we were to where we are now, God has led us and we couldn't be any happier!

In a week, Scott and I will have our 7th anniversary! In 7 years so much has changed in our lives! There was a time of college classes and living on a minimal salary, graduating college, to finding my dream career, living in a small garage apartment (that we loved so much), buying our first house, surgery, death of grandparents, sudden death of Kevin (Scott's 21 yr. old brother), "planting" a church, job changes, interviews, me going through a deep depression, the grieving process, weight loss, weight gain, finding a church, and now trying to start a family!

I am so thankful for God and his guidance and love for me. Mostly I am so grateful for Jesus taking my place on the cross and making it possible for me to have a relationship with God. If it wasn't for Jesus coming to earth and dying on a cross, I would not be God's and would have NO way to have a relationship with Him! God has brought us so far from our sinful nature and every day I battle with myself, but knowing Jesus cleansed this crappy self with His beautiful blood makes me at peace. Peace, wow, I am such a controlling person that it has been a battle giving up control! Letting go and feeling the Shalom that God intends for me to know is my daily battle. Giving Jesus all the glory and praise for being the sacrifice, and knowing what He did to make my awful self beautiful in the sight of God makes me feel His peace. Shalom is my focus this Christmas season! It is not just about the baby, it is about the sacrifice of our Savior!

1 comment:

  1. Control is a problem for me....but when you let go and let God!!! There is no better Peace you can have!! Love you !! :)
